Announcing Defenders of Etheria!

Chromatic Games  


Today, we have something exceptionally exciting to share with you—a new game announcement; Defenders of Etheria!

What is Defenders of Etheria?

Defenders of Etheria won’t be your traditional tower-defense game (not that Dungeon Defenders was very traditional to begin with), but a cooperativerogue-lite bullet-heaven with all the added charm and stoicism of your favorite mostly-silent protagonists!

It’s about time the Old One’s Army played defense! Enraged by the death of his father at the hands of the Harbinger, the Prince of Dragonfall has enlisted Etheria’s mightiest heroes to lead a crusade against the Old One’s Army.

Venture solo or team up with up to three allies to one of Etheria’s many fantastical, contested grounds. Face unrelenting waves of the Old One’s Army and earn experience, runes and equipment as enemies are slain. These rewards may be bolstered by completing random, optional objectives that arise during the mission, and by defeating admittedly less optional, much scarier bosses!

Upon successfully completing a mission, return to the hub to spend your riches upgrading your equipment, recruiting new pets, unlocking new heroes, and honing your heroes’ skills to aid you on future endeavors!

Remember, this content is very early in development and subject to change substantially between now and release!

Launching Soon on Kickstarter!

Defenders of Etheria will be coming soon to Kickstarter! If you’d like to be the first to know when we launch, visit our Prelaunch Page to sign up for email notifications.

Additionally, you may find more information on how to unlock an early-supporter exclusive Sapphire Betsy pet for Defenders of Etheria!

Wishlist DoE on Steam and Epic!

Looking for other ways to support Defenders of Etheria? By wishlisting us on Steam and the Epic Games Store you can help us gain additional visibility for the game, while also receiving notifications regarding updates and availability. It’s a win-win!

Have Questions? We have answers!

If you’re as excited as we are about Defenders of Etheria, you’re probably brimming with questions! Not to worry, we’re going to address some of the most prominent ones right up top;

  • When’s the Kickstarter?
    Soon™. You can expect Defenders of Etheria to launch on Kickstarter within the next few weeks.
  • When can I play Defenders of Etheria?
    That’s the spirit! Our current plan is to release Defenders of Etheria into early-access sometime this year, either Q3 or Q4 2025, although this is subject to change as needed.
  • What platforms can we expect Defenders of Etheria to release on?
    We plan to release Defenders of Etheria on PC (Steam), with full Steam Deck support as a stretch goal.
  • How will Defenders of Etheria be monetized?
    Defenders of Etheria will be a one-time purchase priced similarly to other survivors-like games. Depending on interest, there’s potential for DLC expansions.
  • How will this affect the development of other Dungeon Defenders titles?
    In short, it wont! Development of Defenders of Etheria is being handled by a team sperate from those of our other titles.

Of course, there will be questions that we don’t have listed here, and you can expect a more thorough FAQ alongside the launch of our Kickstarter page. Additionally, you can send us your questions through any of our social media channels, listed below!

Join the Discussion!

You can follow the progress of Defenders of Etheria by following us on Facebook, X (formerly known as Twitter), Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, and Twitch! Additionally, you can join the Official Dungeon Defenders Discord, or participate in the community-driven Dungeon Defenders Reddit.

For Etheria!

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